
Self Awareness

The Naughty 9 “Bad Word” List to Delete from Your Internal Hard Drive

If you’re looking to win the mindset battle, it could be helpful to identify and eliminate any “bad” words and phrases that could adversely affect your parenting and overall work and life experience! If you're homeschooling, it might be a big step towards being able to claim victory in the educational war. More importantly, it...
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Each One Teach One: Three Priceless Lessons I’ve Learned from My Mom

Parenting and homeschooling are “learn as you grow” experiences. And, that growth is mutual. So, my mother and I have decided to list our top three life lessons that we’ve learned from each other. Here are mine.
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Each One Teach One: Three Priceless Lessons I’ve Learned from My Daughter

Our children can be our greatest teachers. Some of my most powerful and priceless life lessons have come through my daughter. Here are three.
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Getting to Know Us: What’s Our Type

In this blog on the first episode of the Real Talk podcast, learn more about our mother/daughter relationship. We also reveal and discuss our Myers-Briggs type.
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25 Ways to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

Making resolutions at the start of a new year seems more manageable than at other times. Here are some tips to help you actually keep them.
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6 Essential Social Skills You Can Teach Your Child Now

Social skills are important at every age. Introducing these skills to our tweens and teens allows them to practice and refine them early.
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When it Comes to Failure, Faster is Better

To get what you want out of life it is imperative that you fail–quickly and often. Failure eliminates what doesn’t work so that you can discover what does.
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Overnight Success is Usually Years in the Making

The secret to becoming an overnight success, or to have any type of success in any area of your life is to not let failure stop you.
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Taking Risks: Jumping Without a Parachute

Taking risks and metaphorically jumping out of a plane without a parachute can be frightening! However, in the end, taking that giant leap really gives you more opportunities to learn and succeed.
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