
Self Awareness

Soul Wealth in the Midst of Chaos

We can't control what life throws at us; however, there are powerful things we can do to live in abundant joy in the midst of chaos. Join us as Dr. Vikki Johnson shares her perspective on achieving real, lasting "soul wealth".
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Live Abundantly: The Power of Meditation

Stressed? High blood pressure? Feeling lost or overwhelmed? Brain fog? Need an energy boost? These things and more can be positively altered by meditating for just 10 minutes. Join us as author, mindset coach and business growth strategist, Leisa Peterson, teaches us how this self-mastery gem can change our lives and our money.
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Fear, Force or Flow? Choose Your Story.

What's your life "story"? Are your fears dictating your decisions? Are you engaged in relationships or situations that don’t serve you? Are life's stressors robbing you of your peace of mind or health? Or, do you live in the moment- a state of flow that allows you to remain balanced regardless of life’s twists and...
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Procrastination: What Does The Scientist Say?

Many put off an occasional daunting or undesirable task, but what happens when procrastination creeps into more life-areas and becomes a habit?
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Self-Mastery: The Process of Becoming

By determining where you are now and learning how you can improve mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually, your dream life can become a reality. Join us for the "tea" in this first episode of our podcast series on Self-Mastery.
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Ease on Down the Road: Journey Beyond Fear

This week Nia spends  “tea time” in the hot seat. It's a chat inspired by a blog post she penned about her journey from fearing success to fully embracing life.
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Fearlessly Finding Nia

People used to constantly say to me, “You have no fear!”, and “I wish I was you, you’re not afraid of anything.” And for the most part, that is true. Heights don’t bother me. The dark doesn’t scare me. Public speaking invigorates and excites me, and performing anything from memory is a welcomed challenge as...
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Integrity: How Do You Measure Up?

Think you're an integrous person? Evaluate your own integrity quotient and hear what we learned about ours as we get the "tea" on integrity.
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Purpose, Relationships & Business: A Recipe of Love

Explore the compelling connections between creating vibrant personal relationships and cultivating rewarding, productive workplace environments.
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Blueprint for Life: A Human Design Conversation

In this second episode of our March series on self-awareness, we explore the benefits of better understanding our unique human blueprint through Human Design. Join us as we chat with practitioner Jennifer Freeman and learn how this powerfully self-affirming tool could increase your understanding of yourself, those you love and others with whom you interact.
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Who the Heck Are You?: Cultivating Self-Awareness

What is self-awareness? Why do we need it? How can we raise our children's and our own Self-Awareness Quotient? Join our crucial conversation.
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Is it in the Stars? Using Astrology to Reconnect with Your True Self.

Join us as we get the "tea" on astrology. Empowerment coach and intuitive astrologer Laurel O'Sullivan, JD shares her perspective on how astrology can be used as a powerful spiritual tool to ground us in self-love.
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I Love You. Do You Know Me?

This podcast asks, "Who knows whom the best?" As the questions fly, who shall prevail-- mother or daughter? Tune in to find out.
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