

Ease on Down the Road: Journey Beyond Fear

This week Nia spends  “tea time” in the hot seat. It's a chat inspired by a blog post she penned about her journey from fearing success to fully embracing life.
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Fearlessly Finding Nia

People used to constantly say to me, “You have no fear!”, and “I wish I was you, you’re not afraid of anything.” And for the most part, that is true. Heights don’t bother me. The dark doesn’t scare me. Public speaking invigorates and excites me, and performing anything from memory is a welcomed challenge as...
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Integrity: How Do You Measure Up?

Think you're an integrous person? Evaluate your own integrity quotient and hear what we learned about ours as we get the "tea" on integrity.
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Purpose, Relationships & Business: A Recipe of Love

Explore the compelling connections between creating vibrant personal relationships and cultivating rewarding, productive workplace environments.
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Who the Heck Are You?: Cultivating Self-Awareness

What is self-awareness? Why do we need it? How can we raise our children's and our own Self-Awareness Quotient? Join our crucial conversation.
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I Love You. Do You Know Me?

This podcast asks, "Who knows whom the best?" As the questions fly, who shall prevail-- mother or daughter? Tune in to find out.
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The Naughty 9 “Bad Word” List to Delete from Your Internal Hard Drive

If you’re looking to win the mindset battle, it could be helpful to identify and eliminate any “bad” words and phrases that could adversely affect your parenting and overall work and life experience! If you're homeschooling, it might be a big step towards being able to claim victory in the educational war. More importantly, it...
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Communication & Vulnerability: Navigating the Relational Minefield

Concerned regarding whether your child is really listening? Join us as we openly share our experiences from the communication minefield.
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Each One Teach One: Three Priceless Lessons I’ve Learned from My Mom

Parenting and homeschooling are “learn as you grow” experiences. And, that growth is mutual. So, my mother and I have decided to list our top three life lessons that we’ve learned from each other. Here are mine.
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Each One Teach One: Three Priceless Lessons I’ve Learned from My Daughter

Our children can be our greatest teachers. Some of my most powerful and priceless life lessons have come through my daughter. Here are three.
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Getting to Know Us: What’s Our Type

In this blog on the first episode of the Real Talk podcast, learn more about our mother/daughter relationship. We also reveal and discuss our Myers-Briggs type.
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Holidays: Celebrating the Joy of Family

Special seasons allow time to celebrate the joy of family. It's also a great time to reflect on family life and count our blessings.
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6 Essential Social Skills You Can Teach Your Child Now

Social skills are important at every age. Introducing these skills to our tweens and teens allows them to practice and refine them early.
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