

Maximize Your Health: Longevity for the Journey

Dr. LaJoyce Brookshire brings her wisdom as a Naturopathic Doctor and an Ordained Pastor. She spills some delicious and health-full “tea” on how we can transition from simply “surviving” to abundantly “thriving”.
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Here’s to 2023: The Vision Board Revisited

We couldn't think of a better way to kick-off the new year than discussing ways we can manifest our 2023 visions and intentions. Ready to take charge of your dreams? Get the "tea" on the power and magic of vision boards.
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Breaking the Code: Understanding Your Bloodwork

Ignorance is bliss, right? Wrong. Ignorance is never blissful, especially when it comes to your health. You might not know your bloodwork numbers, but they are important for your health. Bloodwork can sometimes be confusing and difficult to understand. Dr. LaJoyce Brookshire joins us to help us break the bloodwork code and provide easy-to-understand information...
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The Five Levels of Attachment: A Conversation with don Miguel, Ruiz, Jr.

Do you feel overly attached to someone or something in your life? don Miguel Ruiz Jr. returns to our tea table to discuss his book, The Five Levels of Attachment. Through engaging stories and accessible analogies, Miguel Jr. discusses the levels and healthiness of attachments we have with some things, people, relationships and institutions in...
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The Teen Years: Release the Battle and Embrace the Bond

Children are our pride and joy. We want them to develop into strong, independent,  and productive adults, who can take on the world. Yet, sometimes, the struggle to get a teens to see that we’re trying to help them and not “ruin their life”, is real.
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Mommy Guilt: No More Shame in Your Game

The struggle of mommy guilt is real, but expert guest Jaime Mathews joins us to offer hope and help for those who are ready to “Let it Go”! (The guilt. Not the kids. 😉)
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Graceful Pivot: A Ballerina’s Enterprising Transformation

On today's episode, we have the pleasure of hearing guest, Lisa Suswain’s, "beating the odds" story. To be fair, her story isn't one of devastation that breeds determination. It is simply, and refreshingly, a tale of a little girl, a big dream, and the bubble she creates to protect her vision as she moves intentionally...
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Breathe! Tea Time With the Zen Mommy

What’s your story? Are you tired of being told that you need to be a superwoman? Our goal is to share stories and information that can help as you become the best version of yourself. You can take care of yourself, your family and your work without feeling guilty or overwhelmed.
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Relationships and the Magic of “No”

Relationships can be challenging. We all have our own values, preferences, quirks, and pet peeves. So, how can we relate without stepping on one another’s toes? And how do we say “no” to people we care about when we need to do so. Boundaries can enhance every type of relationship.
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A Different Calling: One Mother’s ADHD Story

ADHD is often cast in a negative light, especially regarding children. Even the word “deficit” speaks to the outdated idea that there is something that one lacks. Today, however, we’re going to hear a completely different perspective.
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Purpose & Calling: A Reason to Live

In this first episode of our “Vibrant Living” series, we welcome our favorite scientist, Dr. Joseph R. Ferrari, to discuss “purpose”. Find out what it is, what it does and why it’s important to leading a more healthy, meaningful, joyous and fulfilled life.
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When Life Hurts: Trauma and Self-Care

From navigating a global pandemic to experiencing adverse childhood events, nearly everyone has or is experiencing trauma. And its’ impact can be felt in every area of one’s life. Whether the “injury” is a one-time occurrence or repeated over time, survivors are left with emotional wounds from which they need to recover.
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Emotional Eating: The Struggle is Real!

When things get tough, and we feel that we have no control over outcomes, or power within certain situations in our lives, there is a tendency to want to numb those feelings and emotions. Some turn to television and entertainment and others use alcohol or other substances in order to cope. However, according to research,...
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Mastery of Self: A Conversation with don Miguel Ruiz, Jr.

don Miguel Ruiz Jr., author of “The Mastery of Self”, joins us at the tea table to discuss the vital need for self-mastery in one’s life. Tune in and discover why self-love, communication, and vulnerability are vital to living a harmonious life, filled with hope, vibrancy, infinite possibilities, and unconditional love.
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Soul Wealth in the Midst of Chaos

We can't control what life throws at us; however, there are powerful things we can do to live in abundant joy in the midst of chaos. Join us as Dr. Vikki Johnson shares her perspective on achieving real, lasting "soul wealth".
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