In this inaugural episode of Real Talk With Deb & Nia, you’ll learn more about our mother/daughter relationship and what makes us tick. Tune in as we chat about the value of Myers-Briggs testing as a discussion starter with your loved ones. We also reveal our MBTI types and how it has affected our communication and relationship.
(Nia on the impact of taking the Myers-Briggs test.)
When we’re close – we’re close, almost like Siamese twins. But when we’re butting heads. We’re like two bulls in a ring. At first glance, one would think. “Well that’s just the mother-daughter relationship.” After a closer look, however, and taking our MBTI test, we realized there might bit a tiny bit more to the story.
In this episode we provide a short history of the Myers-Briggs personality tool and a basic description of the assigned personality types. The MBTI asks a series of questions to evaluate where one fits in four categories: extraversion or introversion, intuitive or sensing, feeling or thinking, and judging or perceiving.
Today we chat about our results and the impact and value of knowing them. When we took ours over 5 years ago, we were amazed, but not too surprised, by our results. The report we purchased offered even more insight into our type.
Do you wanna know what we discovered? Well, listen to this podcast and you’ll find out:
Our favorite version of the MBTI test offers detailed insights into one’s type and covers areas including: friendships, career, personal and romantic relationships, type strengths & weaknesses, and more.
If you decide to take the test, please share your results and insights with us! Tag us on social media @realtalkdn.
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