

The Clutter Conundrum: What Does the Scientist Say?

Clutter can be disease-like in nature. One moment, it was just a little pile of papers. Then, at some point, you realize the papers have multiplied and become a disorganized mess that takes up more than its fair share of space in your home or office. Now what? For far too many of us, when...
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The Five Levels of Attachment: A Conversation with don Miguel, Ruiz, Jr.

Do you feel overly attached to someone or something in your life? don Miguel Ruiz Jr. returns to our tea table to discuss his book, The Five Levels of Attachment. Through engaging stories and accessible analogies, Miguel Jr. discusses the levels and healthiness of attachments we have with some things, people, relationships and institutions in...
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Reflections on Self-Mastery

We believe that self-mastery is foundational to living an abundant and rewarding life, but it can be challenging to identify and change habitual patterns. It's a lifelong pursuit! This week, we share insights from our journey, and reflect on some of the perspectives shared by our expert guests on this topic.
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Reflections on Self-Awareness

Join us on our journey as we share our reflections, learn about the power of self-awareness, and chat about the challenges we faced as mother-daughter entrepreneurs. You will also get a taste of some of the powerful and unique perspectives shared by guest experts from Season One.
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A Different Calling: One Mother’s ADHD Story

ADHD is often cast in a negative light, especially regarding children. Even the word “deficit” speaks to the outdated idea that there is something that one lacks. Today, however, we’re going to hear a completely different perspective.
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Purpose & Calling: A Reason to Live

In this first episode of our “Vibrant Living” series, we welcome our favorite scientist, Dr. Joseph R. Ferrari, to discuss “purpose”. Find out what it is, what it does and why it’s important to leading a more healthy, meaningful, joyous and fulfilled life.
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Mastery of Self: A Conversation with don Miguel Ruiz, Jr.

don Miguel Ruiz Jr., author of “The Mastery of Self”, joins us at the tea table to discuss the vital need for self-mastery in one’s life. Tune in and discover why self-love, communication, and vulnerability are vital to living a harmonious life, filled with hope, vibrancy, infinite possibilities, and unconditional love.
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Fear, Force or Flow? Choose Your Story.

What's your life "story"? Are your fears dictating your decisions? Are you engaged in relationships or situations that don’t serve you? Are life's stressors robbing you of your peace of mind or health? Or, do you live in the moment- a state of flow that allows you to remain balanced regardless of life’s twists and...
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Procrastination: What Does The Scientist Say?

Many put off an occasional daunting or undesirable task, but what happens when procrastination creeps into more life-areas and becomes a habit?
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Self-Mastery: The Process of Becoming

By determining where you are now and learning how you can improve mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually, your dream life can become a reality. Join us for the "tea" in this first episode of our podcast series on Self-Mastery.
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Ease on Down the Road: Journey Beyond Fear

This week Nia spends  “tea time” in the hot seat. It's a chat inspired by a blog post she penned about her journey from fearing success to fully embracing life.
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Fearlessly Finding Nia

People used to constantly say to me, “You have no fear!”, and “I wish I was you, you’re not afraid of anything.” And for the most part, that is true. Heights don’t bother me. The dark doesn’t scare me. Public speaking invigorates and excites me, and performing anything from memory is a welcomed challenge as...
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Getting to Know Us: What’s Our Type

In this blog on the first episode of the Real Talk podcast, learn more about our mother/daughter relationship. We also reveal and discuss our Myers-Briggs type.
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