In this final installment of our series on self-awareness, we explore a topic that brings all of the pieces together. Join us for a discussion that looks at integrity from a novel perspective. Think you’re an integrous person? Evaluate your own integrity quotient and hear what we learned about ours as we get the “tea” on integrity.
(Georgiana on where to find the lack of integrity in your life.)
In this last episode of our Self-Awareness theme, we chatted with Georgiana Kovell, founder of Millions of Women Strong (MoWS), about the importance of integrity.
The definition of “integrity” often varies from person to person, and many of us believe that we are “integrous”. But are we really? Georgiana, brought to the table a compelling, accessible, and powerful perspective on the concept of integrity.
In our discussion, we share times in our own lives when we were not living in integrity and how it affected us. We also discovered the impact our internal self-awareness has on our ability to live an integrous life. In addition, Georgiana provides us with actionable tips on improving our integrity quotient.
We think this is an episode that packs a powerful punch. The best way we can communicate it is with Georgiana’s own words, “If you are not producing the results you’d like to see in a specific area of your life. There is a lack of integrity in that area.”
In this episode we:
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